Ecommerce and Digital Marketing Apprenticeship

About the Apprenticeship

My job title was Ecommerce and Digital Apprentice, and I worked for the womenswear fashion and lifestyle brand Hush. I joined Hush in June 2019 as a Customer Services Associate before transitioning to my role as an Ecommerce and Digital Apprentice in January 2022, working with the Ecommerce team.

I worked under the direction of Digital Visual Merchandise Manager and reported to Ecommerce Trading Manager.

My role involved tasks related to visual merchandising and product building. Visual merchandising the site included managing the main and sub-categories on the storefront, ensuring the layout was both visually appealing and practical by positioning best-selling and new products at the top. Product building involved preparing products, particularly new collections, for launch.

Job Responsibilities

Imagery upload

I upload product and content imagery onto the website. I also created imagery XML paths in preparation for new products launching on the site. I worked closely with the creative team.

Website checks / maintaining products

I have an understanding of the product lifecycle and day-to-day website management to carry out daily website checks, responded to issues or requests reported by the merchandise and buying team.

Product set up from start to finish

I ensured imagery for the collection was provided by our creative team and ready to be uploaded by myself to Salesforce. 

Created new colour XML’s that I uploaded  to Salesforce 

Created product colour swatches using Photoshop.  

Uploaded and assigned new PDP, PLP, Campaign, Double width and flatlay imagery to the website using the file transfer tool WinSCP.

Created categorisation XML files that I uploaded to Salesforce to batch-populate products into their correct main and subcategories.

Weekly trade reporting

Produced reports that highlight co-buys and home page performance for desktop and mobile to help make informed decisions to improve the website and maximise sales. 

Website optimisation

Worked with the team to deliver the online customer journey strategy, utilising tools to optimise onsite search, product features, filters, and attribution. 

Preparing PLP’s for marketing emails.
Site content maintenance

Supported the delivery of the digital content strategy, scheduled the following content; homepage, content landing pages, z mags, product ads.

Monitor competitor activity

To support commercial activity and help to identify opportunities.

Visual  Merchandise

Visual  Merchandised across all the main and subcategories on the site. 

Turned online and scheduled products due to be launched on the site

Created and scheduled promotion campaigns 

Created and applied sort order rules on parent and child categories 

Prepared the new-in page for a collection launch 

Positioned product ads in selected categories.

Ad hoc support

Provided ad hoc support to the team in the delivery of duties and project milestones aligned with the overall digital trading strategy.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Liaise with and build a close working relationship with the key stakeholders across Merchandising, Creative, Buying, Customer Service and Operations.

Tools used


Salesforce CRM
Amplience CMS
Microsoft teams
Sublime Text  

Analytics Tools

Google Analytics  
 Salesforce Analytics     

Work management app


For  communicating across  the team and the wider business

Microsoft teams
Microsoft Outlook email
Amplience CMS

Software programs

Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Business Central- ERP

More about my role

As part of my role, I liaised with teams from other departments, this included
Customer Services – Responded to customer services team enquiries and reportings of any issues with the website such as imagery missing.

Creative Team – I worked closely with the creative team in ensuring imagery is ready on their side so I could upload the imagery onto the website, or I liaised with them for any missing or delayed imagery.

Merchandise Team – I was in contact with the merchandise team regarding stock availability and product sku’s.

ERP Testing Team – I also sat in on meetings with the team testing the new ERP system and carried out scenario tests

Buying Team – Regarding visual merchandising, pushing key line products and high stock products to the top of categories and ensuring best imagery was used on the website to show off the products.

CRM Team – For marketing emails and products that needed to be pushed for the emails and imagery available for those products featuring in the emails.

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